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In bulk

Delivery of BADGER Pellets® to your address in conditioned trucks from our distribution network!

In bulk/conditioned to your home by specified adapted trucks!

  • BADGER Pellets® in bulk

    Our network of BADGER Pellets® distribution partners has a unique fleet of high quality bulk trucks, specifically adapted for BADGER Pellets®, with an on-board weighing system and all approved by metrology.

  • Guaranteed service

    BADGER Pellets® are transferred comfortably at your address, into your silo (for supplying your boiler for example) at low pressure (200-300 gr) to prevent erosion and maintain optimum quality!

    Through this service, you get the same comfort as if you were using oil fuel, but with an economic, local, ecological fuel and without smells!

    PS: Features of conditioned trucks of BADGER Pellets® distribution network partners:

    • The truck is exclusively intended for the delivery of BADGER Pellets® and only transports BADGER Pellets®
    • The truck has on-board weighing system, approved by Metrology.
      Don’t hesitate to check the metrology stamp!
    • The blown air pressure is controlled (ideal maximum 0.3KG) to avoid damaging the pellets
    • Blown air pipes must be high quality (10 cm in diameter and smooth interior). They must be fitted with a copper wire and be grounded in order to drain the static electricity generated during air blowing (friction of pellets on plastic pipes).
    • The truck is of course equipped with a vacuum cleaner that will suck up fine residues, especially in your empty silo during delivery to prevent the leaking of dust into your home.
    • The driver is trained and competent. They are able to adapt the blow to the silo and have the necessary equipment.
    • The truck transports BADGER pellets®, of which you know the origin and whose footprint is minimal.
    • Your silo has 2 filling portals in the shortest face, a reception pad and will protect your pellets from moisture.
  • Tariff

    To request a quote, please contact your recommended distributor via the page “where to find us”

  • Tips for the installation of your silo

    Storage of your pellet in the silo itself is a very important point. Our BADGER pellets® distributors will be able to advise you in your approach. Do not hesitate to take a look at the Mr. BADGER advice page

Our distributors will be able to advise you on the installation of your silo! Do not hesitate to refer to the "advice" page!