Quality label
BADGER Pellets® are wood fuel pellets formed from sawdust from wood sawing in our regions. The sawdust, without bark, is made into pellets in this form through the combined action of high pressure and lignin, a natural constituent of wood which gives a gloss on the surface of our pellets. With BADGER Pellets®, no glue or chemical additive is used. It is a 100% natural fuel! Click here to download our brochure in PDF format!
1 product, 2 packs
Delivery of BADGER Pellets® to your address in conditioned trucks from our distribution network!
In bulk
Our network of BADGER Pellets® distribution partners has a unique fleet of high quality bulk trucks, specifically adapted for BADGER Pellets®, with an on-board weighing system and all approved by metrology.
Reusable packaging
BADGER Pellets® in 15kg bags
With regard to our bags, we have chosen, in connection with our philosophy, to provide you with high quality paper bags (containing 15KG of BADGER Pellets®), which are entirely recyclable. With BADGER Pellets®, there is no storage of plastic bags, you can recycle your bags in the same way as your paper and cardboard!
Need the advice of Mr. BADGER?
Are you wondering about the quality and delivery of our BADGER Pellets? Come discover the advice of Mr. BADGER!

Our advantages
BADGER Pellets® is a high-quality fuel, DINplus and ENplus A1 certified. By mastering our raw material (totally stripped) and thanks to regular audits and analyses, we guarantee the constancy of this quality and respect for all the strictest criteria required by these certifications. With BADGER Pellets®, no glue or chemical additive is used. Our fuel is 100% natural!
Laboratories and R&D Centre
We implement everything humanly and materially possible in order to guarantee you the highest quality and most innovative services. It is in this context that, for more than 15 years, and thanks to a modern and efficient laboratory and R&D centre, we have assured our clients via analysis of the pellets that the quality criteria are much better than those required by the standards!
Exemplary carbon footprint!
The energy we use to produce our pellets is a self-generated green energy from our co-generation (in Belgium) and trigeneration (in Luxembourg). The integration of our activities and the use of local wood allows us to also greatly reduce transport and limit greenhouse gas emissions linked to production as far as possible. It is by observing these practices that our pellets have an exemplary carbon footprint and a low CO² balance.
100% local!
We are proud to carry the LOCAL WOOD label. This label guarantees that the raw material we use for our pellet manufacturing comes from local forests. By choosing BADGER pellets®, you encourage the use of our resources and the local economy, reduce our dependence on imported products (fossil and pellets), and you are contributing to sustainable development.
100% natural and sustainable!
We are PEFC certified. This certification guarantees that the wood we use comes from sustainably managed forests. The wood that we use is derived from thinning necessary for the management of our forests. Their first use, when sawn, is to supply our bio-cutting unit for the production of planks. They are sawing related products which are also today generating energy to keep you warm!
How can you get our pellets?
A ultra professional distribution network is at your service to deliver our product in the best conditions!